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Monday 26 September 2016

Homework 3 Feedback

Assess the possible objectives that the owners of Butchies Hatch will have for the first year of business operations. [10]

Sample paragraph:

A) Survival
This is particularly important to a new business start up seeking to build a customer base.
This is a new business in an area with lots of competition.
If the business fails to attract sufficient customers it will not succeed.
The number one priority must be to attract paying customers.
The business must concentrate on the food and emphasise its unique selling point of using a 'pressure fryer'.

If the food is of consistently good quality and reasonably priced the business should attract customers.
If the customers are satisfied it is likely that they will become repeat purchasers. 
Also they may recommend the business to family or friends.
This word to mouth promotion will not cost the business any money but will contribute to building up a customer base.
With a sufficient number of daily customers the business will break even and be in a position to make a profit. 
Undoubtedly in the early weeks of trading the need to break even and survive is crucial.

Which of the following objectives could you turn into the next paragraph?

B) Profit maximisation

C) Other:
- Sales maximisation
- Market share
- Cost efficiency
- Employee welfare
- Customer satisfaction
- Social objectives