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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Locating the Business

Factors influencing start-up location decisions.

The factors should include: technology, costs, infrastructure, the market and qualitative factors. Candidates should understand that their relative importance may vary according to the type of business.

How has the development of the internet made the choice of business location much more straight forward?

Many people work from home.

Which location would be more expensive?



The name given to the road, rail and air links together with communication links such as access to broadband.

Most retail businesses are concerned with 'footfall'. What do you think this means?

The market:

Revision exercise - what types of market will you need to be aware of for the May exam?

Qualitative factors:

Can you think of any non numerical factors that may influence the location of a business?

Click on the map and try to list as many as possible.

Where would you locate a car parts business in South London? Why?
Click on the picture.

Business Location PowerPoint: