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Thursday 7 September 2017

Entrepreneurship: "good artists copy: great artists steal" (Steve Jobs)

Sources of business ideas

Richard Hilton was a skinny 19 year old living in New York and working in advertising.

He wanted to bulk up to attract more female attention.

He joined a gym but only lasted three months.

Then he discovered Crunch:

"It was an insane environment" said Hilton.

Graffiti replaced the usual white walls.

Live DJs played every evening.

"One week I was doing boxing with with a class taught by Muhammed Ali's trainer, the next week it was taught by a drag queen who just happened to be a great boxer."

When Hilton returned to the UK he spotted a similar gap in the market.

The advertising was done through flyposting.

"It was illegal then; its even more illegal now" said Hilton.

The first poster had the following words in boxes connected by arrows:

Office affair

Need shower


Home sweet home

Next came a sign near local gyms stating 'better gym this way', with footprints leading to Gymbox.
Wikipedia entry: 

Richard Hilton has retained a 20% share of the business.

How much did he receive for the other 80%?