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Thursday 7 September 2017

Other Motives for Entrepreneurial Activity

1. Seeking to run an 'ethical' business which can also make a profit.

'Doing the right thing' is very important for some entrepreneurs.

They wish to provide society with a product or service which:

Is beneficial for their customers.

Does not harm the environment.

Does not exploit employees, suppliers or the local community.

You could probably add to this list.

Poco restaurant in Bristol produces as little waste as possible.

They aim to recycle or compost 95% of the daily restaurant waste, use local suppliers (even telling customers the name of the boat that caught the fish they are eating) and seasonal food, and campaigns suppliers to use less packaging. 

More details here.

Elvis and Kresse: What do you think this bag is made of?
Click on the picture and see 'Our Story' at the bottom of the page.

2. Social entrepreneurship.

Using entrepreneurial skills to generate a 'surplus' which could be reinvested to support the social enterprise.

Name of Social Enterprise: The Big Issue

Cause: Support financially homeless people
Business model: