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Saturday 21 May 2016

Recruitment, Selection and Training

Definition: Recruitment is the process of analysing the job requirements and then finding the prospective candidates who are then encouraged to apply for the job. 

When will a business need new staff?

If the business is expanding.

If people need to be replaced because they have left.

People who have been promoted need to be replaced.

Temporary cover.

Internal recruitment is recruitment from within the business.

A candidate may be approached and offered the job or the vacancy may be advertised internally.

Benefits of internal recruitment:

Cheaper than advertising externally.

The abilities of the candidates will have been proven.

Promotion or opportunities for promotion can be seen as motivating.

The candidates will be familiar with the culture of the organisation (the way things are done).

External recruitment is when someone is appointed from outside the business.


Someone from outside can bring new and different ideas.

A wider range of candidates will be available.


The true abilities and qualities of the candidates may not be apparent.

The costs of advertising.

Time spent interviewing.

Time taken for the successful candidate to 'get up to speed' in the organisation.

How to recruit external candidates:

Advertising in newspapers or specialist websites.

Jobcentre plus.

Click on the picture:

Commercial recruitment agencies.

Click on the picture:

The selection process:

Definition: the actions of carefully choosing someone as being the best or most suitable candidate for a job vacancy.

Possible selection techniques:

1. Interviews

'The handshake'

Preparing for an interview. Details here.

Things not to say in a job interview:

2. Testing and profiling.

IT skills may be tested.

Psychometric profiling examines personality and attitudes.

Some companies use IQ tests.

3. Assessment centres

Real life role plays and simulations, often over a number of days.

Costs of recruitment and selection:

The process (£2000?)

The opportunity cost of lost management time.

Lost productivity until the vacancy is filled.

Time before new staff member is fully productive.