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Tuesday 6 March 2012

BUSS2 Finance & People Test TAFC Ltd Feedback

Always start with a definition:

Motivation is what causes us to act in a certain way.

For motivational techniques being the most important reason for the company having an effective workforce:

• effective employees are promoted and rewarded with bonuses encouraging improved performances from the workforce

the company's employees work in teams offering greater empowerment for employees thereby enhancing performance

• team working offers social benefits to employees and can therefore motivate

the company's employees are involved in decision-making offering the chance for motivation by meeting esteem needs

• the company supports and encourages social activities which links with 'social needs' as identified by Maslow
Against motivational techniques being the most important reason for the company having an effective workforce:

the company invests heavily in training and this should help to boost the performance of the workforce by giving it the appropriate skills for each individual job

the company has a low level of turnover (8%) meaning it is retaining well trained employees who are likely to perform effectively

the company has invested £1 million in production technology which contributes to the effectiveness of the workforce

Issues for evaluation might include the following:

• the employees are obviously motivated well (they voted AFC as one of Britain's best employers) but there is limited evidence that this has made the workforce effective

• arguably training is the most important factor, the company places great importance on it

is there any real evidence that the company's workforce is effective? The company's profit margins are falling for example