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Sunday 24 April 2016

Making Operational Decisions - Key Terms

Unit cost:

        The cost of producing a single unit of output. 

Formula to calculate Unit Cost =

Total Cost divided by Units of Output.


The maximum output that a business is capable
of producing with existing resources.

Capacity Utilisation:

A measurement of the extent to which a business
is using the capacity available to it.

Capacity Utilisation =      Actual Output  x 100
                                     Maximum Output

How are Ryanair Planning to increase capacity?

An interview with the Chief Executive of Ryanair:

Under-Utilisation of Capacity (Excess Capacity):

Where a business is not using their resources to
their full potential e.g. unused factory space.

Capacity Shortage:

Where a business has insufficient resources to
fully meet the demands of its customers.


Reducing the productive capacity of a business in
an effort to increase levels of efficiency.


The passing on of a unit of work to another firm
outside of the business.

Non-Standard Orders (Special Order Decision):

Where a business has to decide whether to
accept orders at a price different from that
usually charged.

Often a one-off request.